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Junk Mail Works! By Robert Farey

Junk mail works. Why does it work? How does it work?

These are very important questions.

To make it work, it has to appeal to the emotions. They have to make claims that inspire you to click on that yes button. They inspire you with tales of what you could do with all that extra money. Clear all your debts. Pay off your mortgage. Take the family on a trip to Disney land. All this would be possible if only you would press that button.

What they are doing is creating images in your minds. Images of a new lifestyle. Visions of relaxing on a tropical beach. Cruises on a luxury ocean liner. Explaining to your employer exactly where to put his job.

This is selling the image. Not the product. Selling the fantasy. And it only cost $.xx.xx

Study these adverts. Try to discover how they work. What is it in them that makes you want to click that yes button. Find one that intrigues you. One that makes you want to click that button. What is it that convinced you that this one is the one that you have been looking for. Break it down into its component parts. Can you use this in your own adverts?

These adverts must be good for them to stay in business. What do they have that yours dont. Study them. Look at the words that they use. Look at the way that they use them.

Use this knowledge to spice up your ads. If it works for them, it can work for you.

You dont have to Spam. Use their expertise to run a legitimate business.

If you have a Spam blocker, sign up to a separate e-mail account and send out an advert to a free list. You will have enough unsolicited e-mail to keep you going for months.

Use their expertise to your advantage.

Good luck and keep learning. That is the only way to stay on top. If you feel that you have nothing more to learn, You are in for a surprise. When you stop learning, you stop winning. Lets face it, the whole idea is to win, and keep on winning.

Good luck. Bob

Robert has been on line for over four years and earns a very good living from some of the very best affiliate programs on the web. This is one of his favorites. If you are interested in growing your very own opt-in mailing list in the shortest possible time, take a look now.

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